Revisionist History Episode 3 : The Big Man Can't Shoot

1. Will Chamberlin was a horrible free shooter.
2. He started to shoot underhand and his success rate incredibly increased.
3. But he changed to overhand due to social pressure.

Just because throwing underhand was "unprofessional" and "awkward", Will Chamberlin threw away his precious chance to become the best player in NBA history.
Why do people care about other people's thoughts so much? Are they worth giving up their own success? Why do people let others change who they are?

I have grown up witnessing what effect peer pressure does to people. To take an easy example, one of my friends likes the color pink, but due to the cognition that pink is too "girly", she was internally forced to wear the "cool" color black instead of pink.

Society nowadays adores extroverts over introverts, because the society likes people who fit in. This preference forces people to become more outgoing, in order to be liked, in order to be hired, in order to get promoted, in order to survive in the society. I thought I needed to be, or thought of myself as a bright and outgoing person. Not that I'm not, but I found out that I was more of an introvert than an outrovert recently in KMLA. I liked to keep things to myself, I liked spending time alone. I thought maybe I was pretending to be brighter than I actually was to fit in.

The society was changing me through ways I didn't even realize, and I hated the idea I have been somehow untruthful to myself. I hated being forced to fit in a certain box. I hated the idea of losing myself due to social pressure.

Will Chamberlin would have become legend if he had stayed playing underhand even though he might have lost some fans and recieved criticism at that time. Because those who stay firm in what they believe later get praises and remembered in history.

People should stop forcing and expecting others to be in a certain way. People should accept differences because we are indeed different in our own ways. People should stay strong on what they believe.
